Root Canal Therapy In Modesto, California

If your tooth is damaged or infected, our Modesto dentist may recommend root canal therapy in Modesto, CA, to save it from extraction! This endodontic treatment is often the only alternative to a tooth extraction and works by removing damaged tooth tissue to restore the health and function of the tooth.

Understanding What a Root Canal is

Root canal treatment is typically recommended when injury or decay reaches deep into the tooth, past the outer enamel layer and into the dental pulp. The pulp houses the living nerves of the tooth, and if damage or infection in this area is not treated, it may result in significant discomfort and will eventually cause the tooth to die and require extraction.

The Root Canal Process

Most root canals can be completed in just one or two visits to Allure Dental Care & Orthodontics. When you receive this treatment, our Modesto dentist will remove the infected and injured tissues from within the tooth. The tooth will then be thoroughly cleaned and filled with a medicated material to help prevent reinfection. Finally, we will cap the tooth with a dental crown to restore its original shape and protect it from further damage. While root canals have a reputation for being painful, the truth is that your procedure can be completed with minimal discomfort as a result of advancing treatment techniques and anesthesia. Our Modesto dentist will review sedation options with you beforehand to find the right option for you, and we will monitor you closely throughout your appointment to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.

For more information about root canal therapy in Modesto, California, and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Surjit Chahal, please contact our office at 209-521-3400.